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COVID- 19 The Pandemic

Governor Cuomo discussed potential closings in the city due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. I watched COVID live streams to stay abreast of the current news updates. COVID decimated the country, created conspiracy theorists, and permeated fear throughout the world. I prayed he shut down the city. Why? I preferred remote access. Public transportation wasn't desirable. The socioeconomic issues that plagued the city were also prevalent on the train. I wanted to remain home. Finally, the Governor released the statement. Then the Mayor. No reporting to work Monday morning!!! Remote access begins!!!

The COVID-19 Pandemic forced me to regroup and refocus! I learned survival techniques included more streams of income! I lived paycheck to paycheck. Extra streams of income provided freedom, access, and security. During the pandemic threats of layoffs plagued the city. I wondered about my job security. Then one day the rumors became reality. Instead of layoffs, managers had to relinquish five days of pay. My colleagues complained. The furlough days reminded me of the Wall Street Trapper. A New Orleans native, teaching financial freedom and stock options in urban vernacular. He said, “If you allow them to feed you, they will starve you!” How apropos!

I survived on one stream of income! I desired to change my circumstances! I continued watching financial podcasts on YouTube and Instagram. I studied all aspects of entrepreneurship, stocks and earning extra income.

I followed different financial experts. I wrote notes, purchased programs/books, joined and paid membership fees. I learned so much information! I felt empowered and enlightened! I began to feel overwhelmed. Then some of the social media gurus seemed ingenuous and unethical. Social media rumors spread and posts verified the obvious. The social media gurus lacked integrity and I was thankful for discernment! I wanted to join everyone. They sounded so believable.

I executed on purchasing stocks, reading financial books, and networking with like-minded individuals. I changed my mindset and my environment. I interacted with inspiring people via Zoom and social media. My spiritual connections continued. My Pastor Fredrick Crawford (UGMBC-BX) uplifted me. Dr. Johnnie Green ministered Monday thru Friday on Manna For Your Morning. Bishop William Murphy prayed daily amidst the pandemic. He prophesied, “Strangers will bless you!” He was correct!

In conclusion, the pandemic inspired and empowered me. These “strangers” saved my life! I am forever grateful. They were an integral part of my financial education. A special thank you to the following: The Financial Rebel-Camari Ellis, Andre Norman, Wall Street Trapper, EYL University (and the Earners), Networking with Brandi, Alison Thompson, The Budgetnista, Black Momma Vodka-Vanessa Braxton, Jayson Wyatt Pro, I AM ASH CASH, and the many other social media gurus I’ve followed. My condolences for the lives loss and the lives altered by this dreadful disease.

Laugh ‘til your face is wet! Do your research!

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